A foster child from Oklahoma's wish list

After years of seeing the boy's horrifying living conditions, a concerned neighbor decided to contact social services.
Following the police's involvement, they contacted Dreamcatchers for Abused Children, who were able to locate a caring family for the youngster.

The child made a detailed list of all the things he could ever want for his future house after the organization found the perfect family and informed him the wonderful news.
Many individuals were swayed by the list, as expected. Most of the things on the list are essentials, therefore a lot of individuals felt the need to say that kids shouldn't want them.

They are all at one place:

For my family, the most important items are water and nourishment.
Avoid me at all costs.
A house that has both water and electricity running through it.
What I want most is love.
Parents respect one other's boundaries.
Keep my meds away from you.
Embrace my pets, I implore you.
The provision of academic support.
Clothing that is spotless.
Lice are not present. Stay pest-free at home.
Take a dustpan and a vacuum cleaner.
To make the bed clean, use covers.
My toys will not be sold.
Fairly dealt with.
Do not consume alcohol.
Watching TV at home.
Everything that I use for school is mine.
That pair of shoes is very sweet.
Soap for your own comb. Great house with a warm coat and a safe place to live.
Obtain a toothbrush for me.