Praying for the Bryant family as they endure yet another devastating loss.


Vanessa Bryant, who was Kobe's wife, expressed her sympathies on Tuesday, after learning of her father-in-law's death, in an Instagram story.

That things had turned out differently was our wish. Even though our time together was brief, he was a delight to be around at all times. Kobe had deep affection for him.

Joe was lauded by Doug Young, a former Kobe teammate, as the perfect "role model."
"I could not have asked for a more positive mentor, teacher, and role model than Joe, who was our junior varsity coach at Lower Merion," Young told ESPN. The impact he had on my teammates and myself is hard to put into words. He had faith in us, and he made basketball enjoyable while also inspiring us to improve. His bear hugs, contagious grin, and extraordinary friendship with Kobe will be etched in my memory forever. Joe Bryant was the first member of the Bryant family whom we adored and looked up to as children in Lower Merion.

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As the basketball world mourns the passing of a genuine Philly hoops great, Arn Tellem, the Pistons' vice chairman and a former agent for Kobe Bryant, shared his sorrow over Joe's passing. I will always be grateful to our relationship for giving me the opportunity to represent Kobe when he joined the NBA. The kindness and generosity of Joe affected everyone he encountered; he was a dedicated husband, dad, and grandpa.

His soul will be at ease.