Flower Power: 8 Benefits of Cloves You Probably Didn’t Know About

Combating oxidative stress—a risk factor for chronic illnesses including cancer and heart disease—is an important role for antioxidants. One of the many antioxidant compounds found in cloves is eugenol, which is very effective in protecting cells from free radical damage.2 Therefore, if you want to lower your chance of acquiring chronic illnesses and preserve your cells from harm, eat cloves.

3. Enhances Hepatic Function

Cloves include the compound eugenol, which may have liver-protective properties, according to research. Clove extract may mitigate hazardous substance-induced liver damage, according to an animal research conducted in 2022. Cloves may aid in liver health maintenance with moderate use, however further human trials are required to confirm this.

4. Demonstrates Potential to Fight Cancer
Cloves are a potential cancer-fighting weapon.

Cloves have the ability to fight cancer, according to certain research. There is encouraging evidence that the clove chemical eugenol may promote cell death in certain cancer cell types, such as breast cancer cells. Cloves may help prevent cancer if consumed moderately, despite the toxicity of eugenol in high doses; nonetheless, more human trials are required to establish these effects.

5. Kills Microbes

Because of their potent antibacterial characteristics, cloves are great in eliminating germs and halting the proliferation of other microbes. This advantage is especially important when it comes to dental health. Clove extract has antimicrobial properties, which may help improve gum health and decrease the likelihood of dental problems including plaque accumulation, according to studies.

6. Controls Blood Sugar Levels Controlling blood sugar levels is a matter of life and death for many people.

Blood sugar levels may be better managed with the use of cloves. Some of the spice's components may help insulin work better and reduce blood sugar levels, according to studies. For example, one research from 2019 indicated that people's post-meal blood sugar levels improved significantly after taking clove extract. People with diabetes or prediabetes may find that cloves help control their blood sugar levels.

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7. Makes Bones Stronger

Osteoporosis is more common in older populations, making bone health an increasingly pressing issue. Studies have shown that eugenol may help protect bone density, and cloves contain manganese, an important component for bone growth. Including cloves in your diet may help build stronger bones and lower your risk of osteoporosis, however further study is required to confirm this.

Reduces the Risk of Gastric Ulcers
Stomach discomfort is a common symptom of ulcers.

Ulcers, which are painful lesions on the lining of the stomach, may be quite disabling. The eugenol in cloves suggests they could be useful in the treatment of these ulcers. Their ability to reduce the incidence of stomach ulcers may depend on their ability to stimulate the creation of gastric mucus, which protects the stomach lining from acid. Animal studies have shown such an effect. Although further human studies are required, new scientific data is lending credence to this long-held belief in cloves' medicinal properties.

Feel free to add cloves if you like.

You may use cloves for more than simply adding taste; they're a multipurpose spice. Because of their high